man‎Chester A Gaouette‏‎, son of Alphonse J Gaouette and Margaret J. McCollum‏.
Born ‎5 Nov 1893 Clinton, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, died ‎16 Jan 1968 Newburyport, Essex, Massachusetts, United States‎, age 74 years

Married ‎25 Sep 1915 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, age 21 years (married 52 years) to:

womanCarrie A Murling‏, age by marriage 18 years, daughter of Charles Murling and Mary F Preston‏.
Born ‎10 Aug 1897 Granville, NY, died ‎Mar 1979 New London, CT‎, age 81 years, buried Methuen, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America
Is this her?

SS: 022-16-3572
Issued in: Massachusetts

Birth date: Aug 10, 1897
Death date: Mar 1979

Residence code: Connecticut

ZIP Code of last known residence: 06320
Primary location associated with this ZIP Code:

Death Residence Localities


manArthur Dexter Gouette‏
Born ‎03 Mar 1916 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, died ‎18 Jul 2000 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States‎, age 84 years, buried MA

manChester Arthur Gouette‏
Born ‎08 May 1918 Boston, Mass, died ‎01 Jan 2001 Sanford, Maine‎, age 82 years

2nd marriage
man‎Chester A Gaouette‏‎, son of Alphonse J Gaouette and Margaret J. McCollum‏.

Married ‎7 Jul 1934 Exeter, New Hampshire, USA, age 40 years (married 33 years) to:

womanMildred B Little‏, age by marriage approximately 24 years, daughter of Charles Q Little and Maud Batchelder‏.
Born ‎± 1910 Haverhill, Massachusetts‎, age approximately 115 years


womanMiriam Cecile Gaouette‏ PRIVACY FILTER

3rd marriage
man‎Chester A Gaouette‏‎, son of Alphonse J Gaouette and Margaret J. McCollum‏.

Married ‎11 Jul 1947 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, age 53 years (married 20 years) to:

womanCatherine Sylvia Tanner‏, age by marriage approximately 39 years
Born ‎± 1908‎, age approximately 117 years