man‎Jean Baptiste Claude Caouette‏‎, son of Pierre Cahouet and Anne Gotereau‏.
Born ‎1701 Cap-St-Ignace, died ‎1750 Cap-Saint-Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada‎, age 48 or 49 years, buried Cap-Saint-Ignace-Station, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada Cimetière Cap-Saint-Ignace
Cap-Saint-Ignace, Chaudiere-Appalaches Region, Quebec, Canada

Married ‎25 Aug 1729 Notre Dame, Quebec, Canada, age 27 or 28 years (married 3 years) to:

womanGenevieve Jean‏, age by marriage 23 years
Born ‎10 Apr 1706 Cap-Saint-Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada, died ‎9 Jul 1733 Cap-Saint-Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada‎, age 27 years


manClaude-Raphael Cahouet‏
Born ‎28 Apr 1732 Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, QC, died ‎19 Feb 1818 St-Hyacinthe‎, age 85 years
Other Marriages of: Raphael Caouette
Elisabeth-Ursule Cloutier
Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours, L'Islet PQ
Marguerite-Genevieve Chevalier

2nd marriage
man‎Jean Baptiste Claude Caouette‏‎, son of Pierre Cahouet and Anne Gotereau‏.

Married ‎8 Jan 1735 Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada, age 33 or 34 years (married 14 or 15 years) to:

womanMarie Catherine Grondin‏, age by marriage 18 years
Born ‎20 Feb 1716 St-Anne-de-La-Pocatiere, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada, died ‎26 May 1753 Montmagny, Quebec, Canada‎, age 37 years

3rd marriage/ relation
man‎Jean Baptiste Claude Caouette‏‎, son of Pierre Cahouet and Anne Gotereau‏.

Married/ Related to:

womanJean Genevieve‏ PRIVACY FILTER


manClaude-Raphael Cahouet‏
Born ‎28 Apr 1732 Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, QC, died ‎19 Feb 1818 St-Hyacinthe‎, age 85 years
Other Marriages of: Raphael Caouette
Elisabeth-Ursule Cloutier
Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours, L'Islet PQ
Marguerite-Genevieve Chevalier

Adopted child:manClaude-Raphael Cahouet‏