woman‎Theody Anderson‏‎, daughter of John ANDERSON and N.N.‏.
Born ‎23 MarCH 1758 Lyme, New London County, Connecticut, United States of America, died ‎20 JulY 1798 Lyme, New London County, Connecticut, United States of America‎, age 40 years, buried Old Lyme, New London County, Connecticut, United States of America

Married ‎01 Dec 1782 Lyme, age 24 years (married 15 years) to:

manGen. STEPHEN DEWOLFE‏, age by marriage 28 or 29 years, son of BENJAMIN DEWOLFE and LUCY WADE CHAMPION DEWOLF‏.
Born ‎1753 Connecticut, United States of America, died ‎15 Dec 1824 Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA Duck River Cemetery, Old Lyme, Ct. 1. Ct deaths & burials, no birth date given. 2‎, age 70 or 71 years, 1st marriage to: Sarah Greenfield DeWolfe, ‎2nd marriage to: Theody Anderson, 3rd marriage to: Abigail "Nabby" Beckwith DeWolf


manStephen DeWolfe Jr.‏
Born ‎14 Oct 1789 Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA, died ‎21 FebRUARY 1872 Lyme, New London, Connecticut, United States‎, age 82 years

Adopted child:manStephen DeWolfe Jr.‏